
Blueberry Games

With so many different games and online activities, Blueberry Games has the highest level of student engagement for grades pre-K-12 in math, reading, science, history, social studies, economics, music, and more.

Blueberry Games is the only educational game platform designed to involve the entire community

Parents, businesses, and local clubs can all rally around your school encouraging and rewarding students for higher achievement.

Students quickly learn and meet state and federal standards

Students Win Cash and Prizes

Schools Win Cash and Prizes

Local Businesses Win Customer Loyalty

Local clubs can earn money promoting school spirit

Students can scholastically compete against other students in any subject

      1. Groups of students can compete against other groups in the class
        One class can compete and against other classes in the school
        One school can compete against any other school in the district
        One district can compete against any other district in the state
        One state can scholastically compete against any other state in the nation


Teachers can use State Approved preloaded lesson content in Blueberry Games


Teachers can easily customize the games and insert their own scholastic content into Blueberry Games.


The performance and grades of each student are tracked with detailed charts and graphs.

Welcome to Blueberry Games; part of the NovoTrax SMART CITY technology!


Play Blueberry Games at

129 S. Main Street
Suite #260
Grapevine, TX 76051

Toll Free:1 844-TRAX-24-7
FAX:1 844-872-9247